Armed Regulation

Armed Basic consists of a series of basic drill movements in-sync with a group platoon of 13 cadets, including a guide on. This team teaches you how to move in unison and teaches you the basic drill movements, but with a rifle in hand. 

Unarmed Exhibition

Unarmed Exhibition is a drill team formed loosely around standard military drill. We take basic drill movements and form “beats”, which are a complex series of stomps and slaps, along with geometrical designs, to create a 7 to 8 minute routine with 12 people. Those in Unarmed Exhibition are often referred to as the “cheerleaders of ROTC” and we take pride in being one of the more difficult but rewarding teams in the program!

Armed Exhibition

Armed Exhibition is a team where you spin rifles and do a series of movements. You will learn how to spin rifles, work as a team, and improve your leadership skills. Armed Exhibition preforms all throughout the county by going to other schools and preforming in parades, and they also compete statewide.

Unarmed Regulation

Unarmed Basic consists of a series of basic drill movements in-sync with a group platoon of 13 cadets, including a guide on. This team teaches you how to move in unison and teaches you the basic drill movements; for example, right face, left face, about face, present arms, parade rest, forward march, etc.

Air Rifle

The Air Rifle team is a sport air rifle shooting team that competes in both team and individual postal and shoulder-to-shoulder competitions throughout the year. It is an extremely safe team, and cadets must pass a written safety test and follow instructions to join. This takes a lot of patience and dedication.

Athletic Team

At the Central High School NJROTC Athletic Team, we value commitment and a passionate performance. During practice we can go anywhere from running the field to doing push-ups the whole practice. Anybody may join this team; you do NOT have to be a certain body shape or type. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, keep fit, or just want to exercise for an hour after school, you can be on this team! 

Color Guard

The purpose of the Color Guard team is to represent our schools NJROTC, as well to honor freedom for our world given to us by the wounded veterans and active duty soldiers serving. The Navy JROTC Color Guard team also represents our Navy JROTC Central High School.

Honor Guard

An honor guard is a ceremonial unit using swords. All drill movements uses swords. Honor guard may also serve as the “guardians of the colors” by escorting the nation flag on ceremonial occasions; presenting a positive image of the service of the ones that sacrificed their lives, using about 8 to 16 cadets.


Orienteering is a competitive sport that is a combination of both land navigation and cross country where participants compete through 3 levels: yellow, orange and green/brown. Each color is for different skill levels. Yellow for beginners, orange for intermediate runners and green for experienced males as to brown is for experienced females.


Academic team members are the representatives of our unit’s scholastic ability. Having to know ACT and SAT style questions, current events, and information from our own Naval Science curriculum, this team demands both talent and dedication. Performing on both written and digital exams, as well as team versus team Brain Brawls, we put our minds to the test in more ways than one.

"Top Ranked Program In The Nation"